Main benefits of e-learning in general
Reduced costs – When companies replace training by trainers with e-learning, they save money. It is not uncommon to see savings ranging from 35% (as with Ernst and Young) to 60% (as with Cisco). Where do these savings come from? The reduction in travel and material costs is a large part of it, but that is not all. Through e-learning, trainers are able to build a course once and use it again and again. This means that they can focus their efforts on creating new training materials, which increases productivity (not to mention that employees spend less time traveling, so they have more time to focus on actual work and Benefit from flexible training.

Immediate Availability – Organizing training sessions can be time-consuming and costly, especially if your employees are scattered around the country or around the world or in demanding working conditions. With e-learning, employees can get the training they need when they need it.
Increased reach – The world is moving faster than ever. Employees want their training to be mobile, just as they are. Through mobile learning, they can access their training courses wherever they are.
A Personalized Training Experience – One of the most difficult things about face-to-face teaching is that you need to tailor your course to learners from different backgrounds. With e-learning, learners can progress at their own pace. In addition, you can build different learning pathways in your course, providing learners with a more personalized experience.
Environmentally friendly – Reducing travel costs reduces CO2 emissions! Training becomes more environmentally friendly to the benefits and well being of all.
Benefits using Butterfly Training platforms
Coherence and relevancy – At Butterfly, the content of the training is owned and developed by our pedagogical experts – All courses and trainers are approved by each local civil aviation authority and comply with the requirements of IATA, ICAO, European or the United States. Butterfly Training is developing mandatory and non-compulsory aeronautical regulatory training since 2005, guided by experienced aviation professionals. Our training development management is made up solely of former instructors in their own field or former experts who have held key positions within the European or American Civil Aviation Administration (FAA). All of our educational experts are full time employees at Butterfly or Associates. We dedicate our time to helping our customers by developing the best e-Learning offer or training tailored to the specific needs of our clients.
Practical and flexible – Interactive online training available 24/7. At work, at home or on a trip. Allows the company to maintain coverage of critical positions. Electronic certificates are issued online once the exam is passed. No waiting. Entirely secure, to the benefit of customers of electronic certificate registration.
Technology – Immediately after registering an account (which is free), each customer gets access to free Butterfly Training LMS and an Intuitive Manager Tool. Butterfly LMS allows you to register and assign courses to employees in just a few clicks. Track the progress of each trainee in real time and receive a full report on the completion of the training. LMS and e-Learning are available free of charge and always up-to-date. This is is included by buying Butterfly Training courses, it is not just a single training purchase, it is a global user experience in the e-Learning environment in which Butterfly has been a player for over 10 years now. (We’ve been Pioneer in France).
Engaged and interactive – BUTTERFLY training is always developed with interactive sequences from A to Z, a multimedia player, scenarios with engaging exercises for the learner. The information provided in all our training is subject to strict controls and beta testing. This is extremely important in terms of safety and security – providing incorrect information can lead to serious operational consequences.
Cost effective – Save up to 70% compared to traditional classroom training. The courses are taught individually, without waiting for a group to start and without transport costs.
Reducing Resource Needs – Now the training manager or instructor serves as a facilitator, trainee support as needed, and concentrates assistance to the most needy trainees. Reducing training costs makes the process more efficient and cost-effective in the long run for operations within the company.